Il comunicato conclusivo del vertice della Shanghai Cooperation Organization, svoltosi a Qingdao, fa menzione dell'importanza della Belt and Road Initiative per rafforzare la collaborazione tra i progetti di sviluppo elaborati dai Paesi membri e il coordinamento con Unione economica euroasiatica. Viene, al contempo, confermata la diffidenza dell'India che, nel comunicato, non compare nell'elenco degli Stati che "esprimono apprezzamento per la sua attuazione". Nei vertici precedenti all'ingresso di Nuova Delhi, il consenso era risultato unanime.
Questa la parte del comunicato finale: "The Member States point out the potential of coordinating international, regional and national development projects and strategies for stimulating cooperation in the interests of economic development based on the principles of respect, equality and mutual benefit, for encouraging investment and transport ties, promoting energy cooperation, strengthening the agricultural industry, introducing innovation and ensuring employment in the SCO space. Reaffirming their support for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Member States express appreciation for the joint efforts taken towards its implementation, including efforts to coordinate the development of the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRI and call for using the potential of the regional countries, international organisations and multilateral associations to create a broad, open, mutually beneficial and equal partnership in the SCO space".